Magnetize dat boi (PROTO)
Magnetize dat boi (that's a WIP name) is a prototype created for the GMTK jam 2021.
You simply have to go through the level using your magnetizing gun, disabling the deadly turret.
As you can see, it is a V E R Y early prototype, it is my first game jam and I am a slow coder. But I want to push the game farther than that, so if you like the idea, stay tuned for updates !
- So, yeah, basically, this prototype was created in two days, by a team of 3 (more two peoples than 3 but anyways), on unity engine. I had done the code and the game design, and the fabulous NeuroticRaven did the 3D modeling and integration, and the 2D props. And the turret was done by Zyro.
- The game jam theme was "joined together", and we had the idea of a guy using a gun turning everything it shot into a giant magnet, attracting everything near it.
For the scope, we agreed to do only one level, one turret, one character with 5 animations (idle and running into the 4 basic directions). The camera was in third person view, with the unmovable props designed in 3D, and the magnetized props would have been done in 2D with a "billboard" look. In the theory, a new player should have finished the game in more than 2 mins.
- At the first time the progression was great !
The magnet system was prototyped really fast, the character controller was... Ok "it just work", but hey ! I had plenty of time ! And we already had a turret designed ! But then...
- First of all, I don't consider myself as a good programmer. I can't do anything complex, and I am reaaaally slow. So, when the time of the post-prototype has arrived, I couldnt do anything, due to my lack of skill and experience.
I have passed so many time working on features that were not useful to the game (trails for the objects dragged by the magnetized objects for example), that I didn't had the time to work on USEFUL things (the aim of the character, that is terrible, the level design...)
Zyro passed nearly all the first day drawing concept arts, and had not the time to do all the animations, and still less time to integrate them. - The greatest challenge for this prototype was to find interesting level design to do with this mechanic.
- the game is not finished, far from it. But I am willing to continue it, just to have an enjoyable game
Proto Desktop 50 MB
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